

aww man i should have taken some pics, because they last longer, or does memory? nooo because once your life seizes to exist your memories will to, all that awaits is nothingness, ofcourse if christian or rastafari or buddist or hindu or the nation of islam's belifes are actually true and right, then i am wrong...well we have videos on Facebook i guess...which was cool...anyway..

Chapters 1, 2, & 3
i worked for 3 hours, actually i went to work...but i worked on my blog ther, my task wasn't clear and nobody was around..(tomorrows my last day)...so after work i was going to catch the bus down western to wilshire...then meet up with kim...and then go to the boyz n girls club...luckuly..my mom showed up, and she offered to drop me off at kims house...little did i know that i would end up kickin' it there until 8:00pm...so i arrived there way earlier than i had expected...around 12:15...we had thought we'd meet up at like 1...but yea..so im there...and i'll be honest after all that we've been through, things weren't clearly akward..but it felt a bit different...hadn't felt regular like last time..BUT..it soon got that way...we both loosen'd up..we 1st went to this cheap chinese restuarant...and the food was good...=)...i bought it all...felt good...THEN...our plan was kind of to sell incense and hand out these "leather awareness" flyers...niether went so well...1. because i chose not to sell incense 2. because only one lady (a black lady) accepted a flyer...its cool tho..it was fun walking...IN KOREA TOWN MIGHT I ADD...yea thats where kim lives...so.....we did that...found this food place my mom had been looking for so hard last time that she couldn't find..TOGO's sandwiches..and such...went to bank of america..she asked some questions...i deposited some money...then we headed back to her house........

to be continued

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